EVEN CANADA HAS EXPERIENCED A COUPLE OF THE “CLASSIFIED” DRILLS REPORTED ON EARLIER TODAY. MORE THAN HALF A DOZEN CITIES HAVE BEEN INVOLVED in secret, joint military-local law enforcement exercises. Citizens report the sounds of gunfire and the presence of low-flying helicopters during these events. No information is provided to the media or the public to explain why the exercises are happening, other than the words, “it’s classified.” THIS VIDEO ORIGINATES IN CANADA. The author has a theory to explain the drills.

Fiscal Cliff 101

Illinois attempts to gather data on who is buying or selling precious metals. Why? Why does government collect data on anything–to find a way to control it.

Utah has passed a bill (HB 157) to provide for an alternative currency to the paper dollar, also known as “fiat money.” In Utah, gold and silver coins based on the market price of precious metals can be used to buy goods. This is the real money called for by our U. S. Constitution.

Is there a movement to return to the money of our constitution? Our founding fathers predicted the problems we are now experiencing in our economy–problems that are directly caused by our government using “fiat money,” paper dollars backed by nothing.

A preacher gives a very plain explanation of what has befallen the US dollar. He says plainly what economists, bankers, the Federal Reserve and the US Government have done to ruin the US dollar. Let he who has ears hear.

After listening, are you scratching your head? Maybe you have questions like this guy:

or this guy–Jim Cramer. You know him from CNBC’s Mad Money. According to Jim, the preacher from above is right:

So what’s an American to do?

When It’s Time to Throw In the Towel on Marriage

Right from the start, I acknowledge that a large percentage of readers will not agree with the premise that sometimes it is better to call it quits in a marriage than continue in the relationship. Okay. We’re going to have to agree to disagree.

That said, I received the following article in an e-mail. A special gal pal sent it. A big thanks goes out to her for knowing the plain language in the article will help someone else who is struggling with what to do with a broken marriage.

Tell-Tale Signs That it’s Time to Divorce

Posted to by Cathy Meyer on Sun, 11/01/2009 – 9:24am

(The full article has been abridged here.)

In my last article, I wrote about things to consider before making the decision to divorce. This article deals with accepting and recognizing when it is time to “throw in the towel.” Below are a few signs that you are dealing with a marriage that has gone past the point of saving…in my opinion.

Are you to the point that your spouse just can’t do anything right, does everything they do get under your skin?

Shortly before my Aunt and Uncle divorced, I heard her say, “If he died tomorrow I’d have to peel an onion before I could shed a tear.” If you feel yourself moving in that direction, do yourself and him a favor and move on.

Are you tired of the trying, so tired you can’t muster of the energy to even engage anymore?

Trying to solve marital problems can turn into a cycle of the wife trying to get her needs met and the husband stonewalling or dismissing her. A woman will normally try to re-engage her husband. Women are natural problem solvers who don’t give up easily. She will eventually tire of trying to engage her husband in finding solutions to the marital problems. She will withdraw, stop expressing her needs; and once this happens, the marriage is headed for separation or divorce.

Does the idea of sex with your spouse cause you to shudder?

If so, it is time to leave.

Has the love you felt been replaced by resentment?

Feelings of resentment come from being hurt by your husband. The kiss of death to a marriage comes when we harbor those hurt feelings and do nothing about them. When you don’t voice your feelings in a proper manner or stand up for yourself, hurt turns to resentment. From resentment grows bitterness and hostility, feelings hard to work through and more than likely mean the end of a marriage.

The above list is a small sample of signs that your marriage is dead. Many women live for years in a marriage where some or all of the above signs are present. They stay for any number of reasons…guilt, religious beliefs, the children, fear of change. In my opinion, when it is over, it is over. It is time to stop peeling onions and throw in the towel.

Teacher Is Terrified by Children

Pedophobia, also called pediaphobia, is generally described as the fear or dislike of children. An Ohio language teacher with a pedophobia disorder is terrified of the children she was assigned to teach.

Allaboutcounselling.com says:

Pedophobia is not just a general discomfort around children, or a tendency to  stay away from them, but is a psychiatric  diagnosis that can also be related to kinds of anxiety. Symptoms of  pedophobia include:

  • Feel anxious or that you are panicking

  • Feel scared or terrorized

  • Have feelings of dread

  • Experience physical changes like increased heartbeat, shortness of breath  and/or trembling

  • Feel nauseous

  • Take extreme measures to avoid being around or involved with  children

Read the Full Page: Pedophobia – Symptoms and Causes of Pedophobia – Facts and Treatment AllAboutCounseling.com


From Yahoo, by Mike Krumboltz:

A teacher from Mariemont, Ohio, is suing her school district, claiming discrimination. What makes the case unique is that the teacher, Maria Waltherr-Willard, suffers from pedophobia, a crippling fear of young children. She claims her disability led to the discrimination.

We first saw the news over at the Cincinnati.com. The paper reports that Waltherr-Willard began her career as a high school teacher, a position she held for decades. She was reassigned to teach in a junior high in 2010, despite, she claims, being assured earlier in her career that she would not have to teach younger children.

According to the Enquirer, pedophobia can lead to shortness of breath, vomiting and feelings of terror when around young children. Waltherr-Willard claims that she was discriminated against based on her age (she’s 61) and her disability.

“It’s a tough phobia. You can’t really get away from [children] when you’re outside,” Dr. Caleb Adler, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati, told Cincinnati.com. Adler did not treat Waltherr-Willard.

The backstory, as described by the Enquirer, goes as follows: Waltherr-Willard taught foreign languages in high school for many years. Several years ago, word got to her that her district was considering putting those classes online, a move that would have had an effect on her position.

Waltherr-Willard apparently spoke to parents about the district’s decision to eliminate face-to-face French courses. Parents spoke out, and the district was not amused that one of its teachers was stirring the pot. Waltherr-Willard claims she was sent to teach at junior high as a kind of punishment for speaking out. She eventually resigned her position.

Good Morning America” reports that the lawsuit says “both parties agreed the phobia and anxiety disorder fell under the Americans With Disabilities Act and exempted her from future transfers within the school district.”

Parts of the lawsuit have already been dismissed by a federal judge. Three allegations remain. The case is scheduled to go to court in early 2014.